Friday, April 12, 2013

6 Months!

Half a year has come and gone, and Isla is already past that cuddly baby stage. I can barely keep her in my arms because she wants to explore and reach for things. And everything she does reach for goes right in her mouth!



Daddy daughter time...they were making a fort!


First she wanted to eat her toes, then hold the sign, then eat the sign. These photo shoots are getting more difficult, but more fun at the same time :)

We did start solids last month and its going well! It took a few days for Isla to figure out how to eat off a spoon but now she's good at it. We are also working on sitting up which she can do for anywhere from a few seconds to about a minute.

   First time in the high chair

Isla liked being fed by Grandpa!

Quality time with Grandma and Grandpa over Easter weekend

Isla's Grandpa took her over to the computer to have some "fun" and to "play" with spreadsheets

Sitting by herself :)

The big accomplishment of the month was her transition from her rock and play to the crib. She HATED the crib at first! We asked daycare to also have her take her naps in the crib to be consistent with what we are doing at home and they said they have never seen a baby dislike the crib so much. I thought she was going to ruin her vocal cords with all the screaming and crying. I also weaned her night feedings because we figured we mine as well do it all at once. It took about a full week but now she sleeps in her crib, puts herself to sleep, and doesn't cry for hours in the middle of the night to eat. As rough as that week was it was totally worth it! She needs good sleep and I think her night feedings were more habit than a need (at least that is what the doctor and friends told me over and over so I wouldn't feel guilty!) And obviously, she couldn't sleep in the rock and play forever! She does sleep on her tummy every night though, there's no use in trying to roll her to her back because she just flips right back over even in her sleep.

Those socks just weren't meant to stay on! This is pretty typical when I'm cooking. She doesn't like to be strapped in but then you have to watch her every second!
The Easter bunny brought Isla some socks, sweet potatoes, and Sophie the giraffe teether, but she appreciated the grass the most
Comfy and cozy on our walk

Always a happy girl in the morning! Don't know who she got that from!

My good friend Erin was kind enough to come over with her fancy camera and take some great photos for Isla's six month mark. Thank you Erin for taking the time to take and edit the pictures! And thanks Nicole for helping her to smile!



"I've been trying to slow it down
I've been trying to take it in
In this here today gone tomorrow world we're livin' in...
Now, don't blink"

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