Sunday, March 10, 2013

5 Months!

Well Isla is officially five months old now, and as I say every month, wow that went by fast. I feel like I blinked and month four was over.

We've become much more familiar with the daily routine this month with bedtime, mornings, and daycare. She has consistently been going to bed between 7:30-8:00, and usually puts herself to sleep no problem. There have been nights that she has slept all the way through, but for the most part she is up 1-2 times during the night still. It's not even a big deal to me anymore, I just get up for about ten minutes and then we both go right back to sleep.

Mornings and bed time are my favorite (if I had to pick) moments with Isla. It never grows old. Seeing her peaceful face falling asleep or her smiling face in the morning just makes me so unbelievably thankful for such a wonderful gift of being a mom. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with sadness thinking about the babies out there that aren't held and cuddled and loved. Babies are just the best thing ever and they should all be cherished.

Some milestones this month are:
Compete rolls
Playing with toys - her fine motor skills are developing rapidly
She now screams in a cute good way and also in angry ways when she wants attention
She "talks" all the time and especially when she wakes up in the morning- we often hear her just talking over the monitor
Her hair is continuing to fall out
She is laughing a lot
She's still trying to sit up but I think it will be awhile before she does it on her own
She loves to be sang to
She had her first stuffy nose :(

Some of Isla's baby friends :)

Something must be interesting...

Isla's friend Jeff

Fun with daddy <3

Watch me roll off my mat!

I can reach my toys now!

Looking alot like my cousin Nicholas in this one :)

Isla is still eating milk and oatmeal. I tried giving it to her on a spoon but it just came right out of her mouth. I've read conflicting things about when to introduce solids and what kind of solids to introduce. This month we will stick with the milk and oatmeal but at six months we might try something else. I'd love to hear what and when other moms introduced solids.

Well, that's all folks! See you all next month :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, these pictures really make me smile. You do such a good job. Thank you for sharing with all of us.
