Friday, May 24, 2013

7 Months!

Yeah, I karate kicked that sign, whats up now?

           Yes, it is an absolute debacle to take these pictures now. Its pretty funny actually. So this month instead of all the month pictures, I decided to post six from our 7 month photo session :)

Cooler than a sliced cucumber
Weebles wobble but they don't fall down....well unless you're Isla, then you fall backwards alot when you've been sitting up for awhile. She's gotten so good at sitting on her own though, it's like one day it just clicked and she could do it.

If Isla is fussy she always calms down in the carrier. I usually just put some music on and we dance. Gotta keep those curtains shut when that happens though :)

A little bit of fun with the mirror in the car

One of my favorite new pictures. She absolutely loves to bite on the spoons! She doesn't feed herself for the food, she feeds herself to get the spoon in her mouth and to bite down. I don't know when we will see teeth but it seems like she's been teething forever!

We went to the park for the first time this month. I tried out the baby swing and Isla seemed to really  like it. She's a little small for it, but as long as someone is within arms reach pushing it, she's fine.

This is what Alex calls the "bouncy castle" and I call the "saucer". Yes we have had heated debates on the actual name of the toy.

The sunglasses actually stayed on for our walk!

Isla likes to ride up high

Isla's dedication day, May 5, 2013

My happy girl. I'm such a proud mommy.